
Attendance Policy

There is probably no more important factor in a child's education than maintaining regular attendance. The only excused absences according to California State law are illness, quarantine, medical or dental appointments, attendance at a funeral of one's immediate family, or exclusion for failing to meet immunization requirements. All other absences will be marked "unexcused." 

Parents are urged to notify the school by phone for all student absences, as all absences must be cleared. PLEASE CALL (562) 799-4580 ext.72220 the morning of your child's absence. This phone line is on 24 hours a day so you may call as early or late as you would like. We verify all absences every day and appreciate your message the morning of your child's absence. This procedure is necessary to meet state attendance requirements for all grade levels.  A pattern of excessive absences, as well as tardiness, will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board for possible legal actions.

Because school ends at 2:40 P.M., parents are urged to schedule doctor and dentist appointments for after 2:45 P.M. Please do not schedule vacations during school because it's detrimental to your children's educational programs.

California attendance laws changed a few years ago in regard to how absences are handled. Now, any absent student, whether ill (excused) or on a trip (unexcused) results in a loss of revenue to the district. Students who are obviously ill (i.e. fever in last 24 hours or vomiting) need to stay home. Families who are considering keeping their students out of school for other reasons need to take into consideration both the loss of academic instruction for their children and the financial impact on the school and district.

Attendance/Family Vacations

Students are to attend school each day unless they are ill (fever, vomiting or rash). Every effort should be made to schedule doctor's appointments after school hours. When that is not possible, please schedule near the end of the school day or have your child return to school after the visit with a written note from the doctor. Family vacations should be scheduled during school breaks. There are multiple problems resulting from vacations that cause students to miss instruction:

  1. Independent Study Contracts must be developed well in advance  (at least 2 weeks prior) of the trip by the classroom teacher.  Parents must notify their child's teacher, then request a contract in the front office.  All contracts must be signed.
  2. Only one (1) contract, per student, per school year, with only 10 school days maximum.
  3. Failure to follow through with a contract results in loss of funding to the district
  4. Your child will miss the instruction and collaboration which cannot be replaced with vacation homework
  5. Requirements of the I.S. contract are that the child do an equal type and amount of class work as the students remaining at school, reducing the pleasure of the trip.